iVote Demo LMS
Epistum is an advanced e-Learning and e-Testing on-line platform. It has two components: the e-Learning Management System (LMS) and the e-Testing System. test
The LMS is a web-based training solution that manages and delivers training courses. With the LMS’ robust and scalable architecture, large number of users can access the system simultaneously, any time and from any place they want, regardless of the location. All the training materials, interactive e-courses, videos, images, lessons, conference information, evaluation tests and quizzes are stored in a single, consolidated learning system. Users can also communicate with their educators and peers through online communication tools, and use web-conferencing module for online lessons.
Epistum can also be used as a questionnaire survey service. It takes traditional survey tools to a whole new level. Epistum provides the opportunity to create surveys, collect responses and analyze results. It can easily be integrated in social networks. fsdsd
This LMS platform is pre-loaded with e-courses for elections in Albania, Macedonia and Kyrgyzstan.
Plants (Растенија)
Овој курс ке послужи да е приказ како се креира обука и се менаџира во истата.
Еднаквост и недискриминација
Целта на оваа обука е запознавање со:
- поимите еднаквост, еднакви можности и разноликост, и зошто ...
Demo course 2020
Во оваа обука ќе бидат тестирани функционалностите на корисници обучувачи и институционални ...